5 Marketing Trends That Are Driving Consumers Crazy in North Dakota

If you live in North Dakota, you know that the marketing landscape is constantly changing. It can be tough to keep up with the latest trends, let alone anticipate which ones are going to be big in the coming year. 

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of 5 marketing trends that are driving consumers crazy in North Dakota. From intrusive pop-ups to irrelevant ads, these are the things that people just can’t stand. Read on to see if any of these sound familiar—and get some tips on how to avoid them in your own marketing campaigns.

1. Intrusive Pop-ups

Nothing is more annoying than trying to read an article online only to be bombarded by pop-ups asking you to sign up for a newsletter or download a white paper. Pop-ups can be effective when used sparingly and appropriately, but all too often they’re just intrusive and annoying. If you want people to actually pay attention to your message, make sure your pop-ups are relevant and not too frequent.

2. Irrelevant Ads

We’ve all been there—you’re reading an article about your favorite celebrity and suddenly an ad pops up for a product that has nothing to do with what you’re interested in. This is the result of marketers using cookies to track our online behavior and target us with ads that they think we’ll be interested in. While this practice can sometimes be effective, more often than not it just leads to frustration on the part of the consumer. If you’re going to use targeted advertising, make sure your ads are actually relevant to what people are interested in. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time (and theirs).

3. Constant Interruptions

Have you ever been in the middle of watching a TV show or movie only to have it interrupted by a commercial break? It’s annoying, right? Well, the same thing goes for marketing messages. If you’re constantly interrupting someone’s experience with your product or service, they’re not going to be happy about it. Instead, try integrating your message into the experience in a way that doesn’t disrupt it. For example, if you’re selling a new type of toothpaste, don’t interrupt someone’s favorite TV show with a commercial—create an ad that appears before or after the show instead. 

4. Fake Reviews

In today’s day and age, consumers are savvy enough to spot fake reviews from a mile away. If you’re tempted to write fake reviews for your business or product, don’t do it! Not only will people be able to see right through them, but if you’re caught writing them yourself, it could damage your reputation beyond repair. Stick to writing honest, authentic reviews—even if they’re not all glowing—and you’ll be much better off in the long run. 

5. Spam Emails

Everyone hates getting spam emails—especially when they’re trying to sell something that we have no interest in whatsoever. If you want people to actually open and read your emails, make sure they’re relevant and interesting. No one wants to sift through dozens of emails trying to find the one that has information they actually care about—so don’t make them! Keep your emails short, sweet, and to the point and you’ll have much better luck getting people to read them (and maybe even act on them). 

These are just a few of the marketing trends that are driving consumers crazy in North Dakota. From intrusive pop-ups to irrelevant ads, these are the things that people just can’t stand. As a marketer, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends so that you can avoid making these same mistakes in your own campaigns. By paying attention to what consumers don’t like and adapting your strategy accordingly, you’ll be able set yourself apart from the competition and build better relationships with your target audience.